For Citizens
Public documents produced by NanoDefine to inform EU citizens about the progress of the project.
Oral and Poster Presentations
NanoDefine - An integrated analytical approach to implement the EC definition of nanomaterial. (Nuremberg, Germany-2016)
An innovative concept towards standardized method development to separate, characterize and quantify engineered nanoparticles in food and cosmetics. (Prague, Czech Rep.-2015)
Analysis of Nanoparticles in Food, Cosmetics and Consumer Products. (Prague, Czech Rep.-2015)
NanoDefine – How to find out if your product falls under the EC definition of nanomaterial. (Amersfoort, the Netherlands-2015)
NanoDefine - An integrated analytical approach to implement the EC definition of nanomaterial. (Riga, Latvia-2015)
NanoDefine: Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardized methods to support the implementation of the EC definition of nanomaterial (Slides). (Riga, Latvia-2015)
NanoDefine - An integrated analytical approach to implement the EC definition of nanomaterial. (Cheshire, UK-2015)
La nanométrologie au secours de la mise en œuvre de la recommandation européenne pour la définition de nanomatériaux (Slides). (Paris, France-2014)
NanoDefine Technical Reports