Project Partners
28 Partners form a consortium of European RTD performers, metrology institutes and nanomaterials and instrument manufacturers.
1. Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek [RIKILT], Netherlands
Leader: WP10 Scientific coordination
2. NordMiljö [AB NOMI], Sweden
Leader: WP9 Project Management
3a. JRC-Institute for Health and Consumer Protection [JRC-IHCP], Belgium
Leader: WP7 Implementation: NanoDefiner e-Tool, Manual & case studies
3b. JRC-Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements [JRC-IRMM], Italy
Leader: WP6 Validation and standardisation
4. Universitaet Wien [UNIVIE], Austria
Leader: WP5 Confirmatory methods (tier 2)
5. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet [DTU], Denmark
Leader: WP2 Sample preparation, dispersion & sampling methods
6. Bundesinstitut Fuer Risikobewertung [BFR], Germany
7. Eidgenoessische Anstalt Fur Wasserversorgung Abwasserreinigung Und Gewaesserschutz [EAWAG], Switzerland
8. Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives [CEA], France
9. Technische Universitaet Dresden [TUD], Germany
Leader: WP4 Screening methods (tier 1)
10. Centrum Voor Onderzoek in Diergeneeskunde en Agrochemie [CODA], Belgium
11. University of Birmingham [UOB], UK
12. Fachhochschule Dortmund [FHDO], Germany
13. Bundesanstalt Fuer Materialforschung und - pruefung [BAM], Germany
Leader: WP3 Evaluation and selection of techniques and methodologies
14. Deutsches Institut Fuer Normung EV [DIN], Germany
15. BASF SE [BASF], Germany
Leader: WP1 Test and reference materials
16. Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH [CLARIANT], Germany
17. SOLVAY SA [SOLVAY], Belgium
18. MBN Nanomaterialia SPA [MBN], Italy
19. L'Oreal SA [LOREAL], France
20. NanoSight LTD [NANOSIGHT], UK
21. RAMEM SA [RAMEM], Spain
22. Superon GmbH [SUPERON], Germany
23. Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH [THERMO], Germany
24. Eurofins Wej Contaminants GmbH [EUROFINS], Germany
25. Nanotechnology Industries Association AISBL [NIA], Belgium
26. Verband der Mineralfarbenindustrie EV [VDMI], Germany
27. Cosmetics Europe – The Personal Care Association [COSMETIC], Belgium
28. Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d’Essais [LNE], France