The IPR Helpdesk has just published a new fact sheet on "IP Management at the Proposal stage in Horizon 2020". Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020 can also be downloaded.

This fact sheet intends to assist applicants in Horizon 2020 with the management of intellectual property in the proposal stage of their project. Even though Horizon 2020 research and innovation activities are implemented through different forms of funding, particularly grants, prizes, procurement and financial instruments, this fact sheet deals solely with grants. This fact sheet is the first of a series of three fact sheets dealing with the management of intellectual property in the different stages of a Horizon 2020 project.

The fact sheet is available under the following link: or you can download it directly here: PDF

The EC has also produced guidelines that provide context and explanation for the rules on open access applicable to beneficiaries in projects funded or co-funded under Horizon 2020. The Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020 can be downloaded directly here: PDF