
The first large scale NanoDefine dissemination event was held on 10-12 June 2015 during the ENF 2015 in Riga, Latvia.

Within the “Future Flash” competition prior to the conference, NanoDefine was selected as one of the 10 best projects and given the opportunity to present itself with a booth at the Nanotech Europe exhibition. In addition, NanoDefine was presented in detail within the nanosafety seminar with a talk as well as a poster and dissemination handout material. Furthermore, a NanoDefine poster was shown during the scientific poster session.

The project was showcased in the exhibition and demonstrated activities and results to a wider audience. Posters and handouts showing the concept and objectives of the overall project as well as the goals and results of the individual work packages were available in the booth. During the 3-day conference, members of the consortium were present and gave information orally as well as by posters, flyers/handouts. The booth was visited by approximately 60 stakeholders that originated from different countries, representing industry, research organisations, universities and public bodies. There was much interest in the information presented, and the informal nature of this dissemination event stimulated mutual interactions among visitors and project members.

After the lectures, a lunch poster session was held where the objectives and project results were presented on 9 posters of the individual work packages. While having the buffet lunch, attendees of the workshop had the opportunity to discuss with the present NanoDefine scientists. Poster handouts, brochures and flyers were provided to the participants.

The joint nanosafety seminar was organised by NANoREG, SIINN and ProSafe to highlight the efforts and achievements of European projects in the area of regulatory, environmental, health and safety issues of nanotechnology. It comprised the whole day on June 12 and was very well visited with an audience of more than 150. NanoDefine was represented by a poster on the project objectives and a table with information material. In the afternoon-session, the project coordinator Stefan Weigel gave a presentation entitled “Efficient characterisation and classification of materials according to the EC nano-definition: The EU FP7 NanoDefine project”. Despite being the last presentation of the conference late on Friday afternoon it was still attended by about 60 delegates and triggered a vivid discussion as well as many bi-lateral talks afterwards.

A NanoDefine poster on goals and first results of the project was exhibited throughout the conference. A large number of handouts were taken from the poster, indicating the high level of interest in the topic. During the dedicated poster session, the coordinator was present at the poster to answer questions and explain details of the project. Several visitors used this opportunity for discussions on the project and the subject in general.