First public workshop of NanoDefine
The First NanoDefine Public Workshop on Classification of Materials according to the EU Nano-Definition, was held on 17 June 2015 at the Newhotel "Charlemagne" in Brussels .
The goal of the workshop was to inform stakeholders and potential end-users of the methods and tools under development in NanoDefine on the progress and first outcomes of the project.
The program started with an introduction by Nicolas Segebarth (program officer, EC – DG Research) and after which Andrej Kobe (EC - DG Environment) provided insight into EU Recommendation 2011/696 on the Definition of Nanomaterial and the current revision process. Following this, the project coordinator Stefan Weigel gave an overview of the NanoDefine project objectives and concept. Leading scientists from partner organisations of the consortium gave lectures on the research being carried out in the 7 different scientific work packages of the project. These were clustered into four topics: (i) Technique evaluation and method development, (ii) Innovation: new instruments and software, (iii) New standards and reference materials and (iv) Guidance for the implementation of the definition. While specific questions for each topic were discussed directly after the respective presentations, a general plenary discussion was held after all presentations. This discussion delivered valuable feedback on the needs and requirements of the represented stakeholders as well as suggestions for future dissemination events.
After the lectures, a lunch poster session was held where the objectives and project results were presented on 9 poster s of the individual work packages. While having the buffet lunch, attendees of the workshop had the opportunity to discuss with the present NanoDefine scientists. Poster handouts, brochures and flyers were provided to the participants.
The workshop attracted a targeted number of key stakeholders from European and National institutions as well as industrial sector organisations and individual companies. This demonstrated the urgent need for information on the analytical possibilities and tools required for the implementation of the proposed EC nano-definition. The combination of oral presentations and poster presentations proved to be effective in generating interest in the research work of the different work packages. There was much interest in the information presented and the informal nature of the event stimulated mutual interactions among visitors and NanoDefine scientists.
This successful workshop stimulates and directs the future dissemination activities of NanoDefine.