Call for applications to a Post-Doctoral proposal to submit to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) call (deadline 11th May 2015) within the EU project: "SUN-Sustainable Nanotechnologies”, a large scale FP7 (FP7-NMP-2013-LARGE-7 (Nr.604305))

The selected candidate will be registered as a Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Aveiro (UA) and the research program will be developed at the Department of Biology & Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM), in the Laboratory of Ecotoxicogenomics, under the supervision of Doctor Mónica Amorim (UA).

Objective of the activity:
The purpose and the grant objectives are to focus on developing tools to assess long term effects of nanomaterials, including multigenerational and epigenetic, based on gene expression analysis data and using modelling with network possibilities. The research activities are within the project scope (ecotoxicological bioassays with nanomaterials for environmental test organisms, with emphasis on the application of molecular techniques such as microarrays, RT-PCR, and next generation sequencing).

The fellow will benefit from working within a large scale consortium and collaboration with various international research institutions. Post-application to FCT the possibilities to integrate a SUN Post-Doc grant will be discussed and are foreseen.

Date for the application:
Applications should be sent from 13/04/2015 to 22/04/2015.

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