Final NanoDefine Outreach Event, Brussels, 2017:
Classification of nanomaterials according to the EU definition
Date: 19-20 September 2017
Venue: Leopold Hotel, Brussels
Workshop presentations
Advanced methods for nanomaterial characterization – Dan Hodoroaba, BAM
The NanoDefiner: decision flow scheme, e-tool and manual - Hubert Rauscher and Agnieszka Mech, JRC
Sampling and sample preparation is critical - Katrin Löschner, Denmark Technical University
Screening methods - scope and limitations - Michael Stintz, Christian Ullmann and Frank Babick, Technical University of Dresden
- Confirmatory methods – scope and limitations - Frank von der Kammer, University of Vienna
Role of the VSSA in the NanoDefine decision flow scheme – Dan Hodoroaba, BAM and Hubert Rauscher, JRC
Detection of Al2O3 particles in toothpaste by FFF-ICP-MS (confirmatory method) - Manuel Correia and Katrin Loeschner, DTU
spICPMS – tier 1 method – Anna Undas, RIKILT
Application of screening methods for characterisation of nanomaterials – Frank Babick, TUD
Review of Recommendation 2011/696/EU – Andrej Kobe, European Commission
Method demonstrations