September 19-20, 2017
Brussels, Belgium
Join the Final NanoDefine Outreach Event on “Classification of Materials according to the EU Nano-Definition” on the 19-20 September 2017 at “Leopold” Hotel in Brussels (Rue du Luxem bourg 35, 1050 Bruxelles) (
This 2-days final meeting will give you a unique opportunity to learn more about the outcome of the NanoDefine project and possible practical implications, and how to meet future regulatory needs associated with the practical implementation of the EU recommendation on the Definition of Nanomaterial (2011/696/EU).
Please save this date and pre-register for free as early as possible (places are limited so first come first served) by sending an email with your name, address and affiliation to:
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Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and please distribute this invitation to other colleagues that may be interested.